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Image by frank mckenna

Welcome to
Spiritual Hypnosis

 Embark on a journey of spiritual growth and self-awareness with past life regression therapy. You can ask questions about your soul journey during your past life regression hypnotherapy session. (PLR).

Initial contact is by email before booking a session of Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy.

Newcastle region
NSW Australia
In office or online.


Tues- Fri: 1pm - 6pm

​​Saturday: Enquire

​Sunday:    Enquire


Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy

Discover the mysteries of your past lives through past life regression hypnotherapy. Find healing and understanding in the present. Explore a past life with spiritual hypnosis for curiosity or spiritual growth. Where have you lived in your past life? Has your closest personal relationship been in your life before? Ask questions​ during your past life regression therapy session that you want to know about your soul journey.​


woman in glowing light in Egyptian temple
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Christine's Approach 

Christine was taught how to ask questions during past life regression to access the information stored in your data bank of your higher consciousness to access the wisdom of the Akashic records. 


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Empower Your Spiritual
with Akashic Records

Accessing information from the archives of knowledge, your Akashic Records, can be a powerful tool for healing and personal growth. The Akashic records have been described as the most powerful data base of all knowledge of every thought, action and deed. The Akashic records are of the highest realm and you can have questions answered during your past life regression hypnotherapy session.



Therapy Sessions
still butterfly in lavender flowers


Restore vitality and promote overall well-being. Experience the balancing and harmonizing of your body's energy systems. 

Breathwork is fundamental of mindfulness and meditation.



Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, don't forget to enjoy life. Life is short. It seems to be long when we are young and racing through life.

Take a few minutes to slow down and enjoy what surrounds you. 

I had an incredibly profound experience with Past Life Regression. It provided me with valuable insights and a deep sense of healing.


Spiritual Hypnosis

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